Peri-implantitis – A Review of Diagnostic Methods
Peri-implantitis is the inflammation around soft tissue along with bone demineralization around an implant. It is extremely important
to diagnose peri-implantitis and to monitor its progression. This has a direct impact on determining implant success or failure. Radio-
graph and periodontal probing help in determining the pre-existing destruction. Biomarkers help in evaluating current disease activity
and its progression. The biomarkers in Peri-implant crevicular fluid is the promising tool in diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of
peri-implantitis. The aim of this article is to summarize the use of different biomarkers and evaluate their use in predicting disease pro-
gression. This article also mentions about sampling method and interpretation of biomarkers. Finally, article concludes that cytokines,
bone markers and enzymes are important in determining peri-implantitis present activity as well as it’s progression.